Perspiration Pals February 21st, 2023 😏

hey there pals,

a real quick start to thread today..pretty busy at work here and the meme/GIF perfectly captures my state this week..

i am not a multitasker and love to keep my focus to only 1-2 tasks. but currently i am juggling many tasks and it's making me jumpy. are you a cool mutlitasker or do you prefer handling a few tasks at a time. sure, sometimes we may not have a choice, but given you have, then?

Day 11 of Fit 3, UB workout with D. I feel i am sore every day doing this program. love it though.

fur baby's fine. started to sleep outside the blanket (still next to me of course) = receding winter temperatures me thinks 😶

that's about it from me folks. A shout out to our pal Adrienne -heylo and we hope you are doing fine -come by to say hello to us.

thanks for checking in with me folks!