HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group February 21st

Good Tuesday morning Blendfriends! It’s a cold one here, but I can’t complain much, as this Winter has been relatively warm. We are bracing for another 15cm of snow on Thursday though, so Winter is definitely still in full swing.

I chose the quote above today because doing the 6-week challenge at work has made me realize just how much fitness and health are about mental strength and resolve. Even when I’m tired, grumpy, hungry, etc. I get up and do my workouts and meditation. And that’s all due to my current positive mindset, to finding joy in movement, to being determined to complete this challenge (and wanting to finish first). Mind over matter, as they say.

When is the last time that you applied this saying, relating to fitness or anything else in your life? An instance where you really did not feel like doing something, but sheer determination and mental toughness made it happen.

The mini challenge at work this week is to aim for 10 000 steps a day. Today will be the real first test, as we received the email about it very late in the day yesterday and I could not make it. This goal will definitely test my resolve and I will have to get creative, like walking around the apartment while listening to a conference call this afternoon. I also have a strength workout on my schedule. Will this be an active or rest day for you?

Wishing everyone a great day!