HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group February 20th πŸ‘Ÿ

Hello Blendfriends, welcome to the start of the week. I'm coming off an intense week at work, followed by two days of weekend activities (including more than 16,000 steps/dayπŸ‘Ÿ, is that why they call it "stepping out"?). At this point I just want to curl up and let the day go by. Sigh. I'll have a lighter schedule this week, though, so I think I can muddle through.

Today I'm picking up my rescheduled workouts from Mobility. I know that flexibility work is going to feel great on my overwalked muscles! When I started Blend, I added Mobility as a second program, knowing that I would reschedule a lot, and in honor of the reschedule button, I give you today's thought, from Mark Twain : β€œNever put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.”

How about you? Is your energy level up after a well-rested weekend? Or are you feeling like this cozy Internet cat?