Weekend Check-In: Sun, Feb 19th

Hello ladies,

I'm glad to be back once again to have you enjoy my ramblings. Although today I'll be keeping it shorter...-ish. I can't write these long epistles every time, I'm positive you've got things to do and places to be. So let's get this check-in rolling and talk about what you're all up to today.

So let's change things up and start with food. What are you planning on putting on the table for today? And no, I don't mean a nice vase with flowers, but some actual food. Me, I have no idea whatsoever. I only know we'll be having some leftover soup for lunch but that's about it. I'm sure hubs will come up with something delicious.

And what about movement? Whether it's in the form of workouts, walks, runs, shuffling or maybe rather sitting, hanging or lounging, just let us know what you're doing.

I'm in the sitting camp today. No workout as per usual, the only thing that'll do some work are my hands in writing down next weeks workouts and to hold my crochet needles.

Talking about crochet needles, it's time for my picture and project. Which in a roundabout way had something to do with FB. I had this idea of creating something that binds us all: sports. Now it's nothing special, it most certainly isn't perfect but I'm happy with the result. I even think my attempt for Power Blocks turned out rather okay.

And it turned out again as an epistle, sorry about this ladies! I'll stop now and just let me tell you I enjoyed being your ghost and I'll be here later to see what's happening at your end. Thank you for checking in with me!

Meanwhile, have a wonderful day everyone!!🥰
