Common cold vs. my flexibility

So, it's been a bit of a lousy weekend for me. Kid's away skiing for a few days and hubby and I are having some lovely be-sick-together time. We're suffering from the horror that is the common cold.

Yesterday, when I foolishly thought this virus would gracefully skip infecting me, I got in a very nice total body strength/cardio workout. It felt great at the time, not so much today. I tried to do some very basic stretches today just to loosen up a bit, to find I can't physically manage more than a basic hamstring stretch. All other muscles and joints are going "nope, not going to happen today" on me.

On the bright side, it really shows me how much I should appreciate my health (usually) and increased flexibility! It's also amazing how one simple virus can affect flexibility and the ability to exercise so much.

I hope you all had a better start of the weekend than I did, I just hope to finish it better than I started it!