HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group February 16th

Hello everyone.

“If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me?” - Maya Angelou

This quote was in a weekly (?) e-mail I've subscribed to and it hit me hard. Maybe this quote has been used in HKS before, but even then I think it's a good one to repeat.

A surprising question (yes I'm kidding 😇): are you working out in any way today, or is it a rest day for you?

Here, I am taking a rest day after two days of strength training. I did some sightseeing on my bike, as I had an appointment where I had to cycle to anyway, so that was about 45 min of movement total. I will also do my yoga.

I will leave it at this for today. Picture of Tep playing Twister. After taking this picture he just lied down on the mat.

Wishing everyone a tranquil day.
