7 months of consistently working out...

...eating clean (with some cheat days of course), and trying to be more active during my office job (like walking on my breaks/lunch). I haven't been weighing myself because for me it has been about making a positive change in my lifestyle to be healthier overall. I don't even own a scale! The last time I was weighed was in December at a doctor's appointment. At that time, I had lost almost 30 lbs since the start of my journey.

Today I was at a friend's house and decided to step on the scale for fun and I have lost nearly 40 lbs total now. It is pretty cool, but *the* coolest part is how improved I feel overall.

I cannot say all of this without also saying that I owe so much of my success on this journey to FitnessBlender. I am so excited to continue and become a FitnessBlender lifer!

Thanks for sharing this moment with me (: please feel free to share yours! I find them inspiring!
