HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group February 8th

This one is for Lara. Now I have started to watch Office again and remember how funny it is.

I take this as you are stronger and tougher than you think so don't be scared of a challenge, make that challenge scared of you!

I missed checking in yesterday but it was again so busy. My legs are feeling the workout a bit. Just enough that I feel it but my movement is not impaired. I also had the speaking portion of my German certification last nigth (I got a level 1 and 1-!). I just need to do the hearing part today and then I will have a certificate and then I can submit all my documents and become an official resident and live and work anywhere in Europe.

This morning I chose the advanced option of the core workout. I really tried on the T-stabilizations and the side plank hip raises. I think I hate the later more. I tried hard so I hope I can feel something.

What is on the schedule for you today? Maybe you need some mid-week rest? Or are you looking to kick your own butt?

Tonight's menu is turkey tacos and I need to start doing some cleaning since we are having a dinner party on Saturday and the whole house needs a deep clean. It feels like it never stays clean and we do not even have kids or a pet.

I hope everyone has a great day wherever you are and whatever you are doing!