HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group February 7th

Good Tuesday morning! It feels like this month is going faster than January and I’m all for it, as every day, we’re closer to Spring.

So I follow a few fitness trainers on social media, people with a no-nonsense approach to health and fitness. One them recently documented a cut that he was doing, ie actively working on losing weight while keeping up his strength training. He was tracking his weight daily, to show that there will be ups and downs, but that the important thing was the overall trend in his weight, which kept going down.

I have taken the same approach this year by recording my weight each day and even if I wish I was losing weight faster, the trend line is going down. And a most important lesson that I learned following that trainer is to stick with the program no matter what the scale says, because over time, weight will always go down, if you stay the course.

Have you ever set a goal that required a lot of patience and perseverance? One where you faced setbacks and knew it would take a long time to reach, but you found the mental strength to push through?

I will be sticking to my program today by continuing the challenge at work. Today is strength training. I have found a better balance in selecting my workouts, so as to not be overly sore, like in week 1. And I continue to track my calories and protein, and drink 2L of water each day. The only healthy habit that is still eluding me is constant, full nights of sleep. Last night was rough.

Hope you can stick to your plans and enjoy a great day! 🙂