HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group January 31st

Good last day of January! I thought time was going very slowly to start this new year, but here we are, 1/12th done.

This week’s mini challenge at work is to write about three things you are grateful for each day, thus the quote I chose today (and I just really love that quote). They offered prompts and ideas to get us started. Do you use a gratitude journal? Do you pause during your day to reflect on things you are grateful for? I am enjoying doing it so far and it brings into perspective how the simplest things bring happiness, like having heating on cold Winter days.

I think I have a HIIT workout lined up for today. Yesterday’s total body strength training workout left me sore in a few places. It was a new trainer to me and she is fierce. One of my goals with this challenge is to try a workout with each of the trainers from our Health Hub and see what they are like. I still much prefer FB workouts and how calm their trainers are. Some of the Health Hub trainers are a bit too hyper for my taste. And I miss having no music when I work out. I think this challenge is making me appreciate FB even more. Will you be working out today or taking a rest day?

I wish everyone a wonderful Tuesday! 🙂