Posted in: Workouts / New Releases

New Workout! Cardio Kickboxing with Lower Body Strength Circuits

Good morning FB Family!

Have fun punching, kicking, squatting, and lunging your way through this fun cardio and strength routine:

Cardio Kickboxing with Lower Body Strength Circuits

The short kickboxing combos are designed to increase your heartrate, challenge your balance, and test your ability at making sound effects every time you throw a kick. That last bit isn’t quite necessary but including short intentional exhalations on your punches and kicks will help you extend your limbs with power, precision, and focus. Note that your heartrate will remain elevated during the strength circuits, because we are focusing on the largest muscles groups in your body – lower body muscles have a higher energy demand to contract and perform than the upper body or core muscles. All in all, expect a little huffing and puffing from start to finish in this routine!

I’ve mentioned this before, but I find it very helpful to go through a couple rounds of my punches and kicks in front of a mirror to spot areas for improvement. The visual feedback helps me determine where I could tweak some of my movement patterns so that I can throw clean, forceful punches without injuring myself. The mirror check is just a recommendation not a requirement! Honestly, it’s also just fun to watch yourself throwing punches and kicks.

When I filmed this workout, I’d filmed another kickboxing workout two days earlier and was still feeling every muscle from that workout, haha. Nonetheless, I was still super happy to film this routine so that I could eventually share it with all of you. I’m always the most excited about that part – the sharing! Would anyone be interested in kickboxing workouts with longer punching and kicking combos? Shorter combos? A combination of short and long (which would be a combo of combos)?  

As always, enjoy yourself and let us know it goes!

See you on the screen!
