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New Wellness Video: Post-Workout Guided Practice for a Sense of Accomplishment

What behaviors do you consider worthy of celebration? How “big” or “important” does something have to be for you to pause and take note of?

So many of us tend to wait until we have reached some big goal to take the time to celebrate our accomplishments. However, that leaves us feeling either unmotivated and overwhelmed by such a large goal or get to the end and it all feels so anticlimactic.

Switching our mindset about accomplishments over to thinking about all the small wins along the way as worthy of celebrating can help with this. This helps us to enjoy the journey just as much (or more) as the destination. 

This guided practice is designed to be completed after a workout to help you view that workout as a small win along the way to a larger goal (even if it isn’t well-defined). I will walk you through recognizing all that went into this workout and to embrace the emotions that come with this sense of accomplishment.

Post-Workout Guided Practice for a Sense of Accomplishment

Join me on this journey and let me know what workout you feel accomplished to have finished today in the comments below!