Weekend Ghoster Check-In: Saturday, Jan 21st

Hello again my dearest BFF's,

How is everybody? It's been a few weeks since I've had the pleasure of becoming my alter ego 'Inquisition Inge' again, so prepare yourself for a new question... But before getting to that torture, let's talk about another kind of torture...

Workouts. How about those? Have you got anything planned, scheduled? A sweaty date with Tasha? Doing teasers with Amanda or trying to bend yourself into a pretzel with Marina? Or maybe you're like me and mark the day as a rest day. My calendar shows me an optional Day 13 for Strong 3 but I'm skipping it. Maybe I'll do one of them some time during the week. So, what about you ladies? Enlighten me!!

And what about food? I'm in the 'no idea' camp. It's 1030 am here in my part of La Douce France and everything's quiet. I'm enjoying my cup of tea while hubs is still cozied up in bed (he's a long sleeper). And since he's mostly the one doing the cooking, I have to wait and see what he comes up with. But, maybe you're way ahead of me and already know what delicious stuff will appear on your tables. So, take it away and wow me with some yummie food.

Well, that's the basic stuff out of the way, on to THE QUESTION!!

And this time it's a really easy one, it's to do with workouts and it's actually Tasha who gave me the idea for it. I was watching one of her short video's and it made this light bulb go on in my head. So, thank you Tasha and if you should read this, feel free to answer.😉

How do you choose and prepare for your workout? What I mean by that is: do you randomly pick one right at the moment you're in your gear or do you plan ahead? As for preparing, do you write anything down or just pick the amount of weight on the spot? I hope I'm making sense here, if not, I'll tell you what I do.

I'm - as most of you know - annoyingly organized, so I'm an ahead planner. Mostly during the weekend I'm sniffing through the workouts, preferably ones I've not done yet, to see which ones I want to do that coming week. Or if there's a new prgram, like now with Strong 3, I'll have it scheduled. Then - no I'm not finished yet - I'll look at the video's and write down the exercises to do and pick the amount of weight I'll want to lift. And as I've been doing this for a few years already, I've of course done a lot of the workouts before, so I just have to look back in my book and take one my many colored pencils and write a new date and new amount of weight.

Now I can already see all you staring at your screens with your mouths hanging open or just plainly thinking 'there's something seriously wrong with that woman', but hey, each his own right? So, ladies, let me know what crazy stuff you do or maybe you're not interested in answering the question which is totally fine. Just feel free to skip it altogether.

If you decide on not answering, just tell us about your day and I'll be glad to pop in again and read what you've been or are up to.

Lastly, a picture of what my view yesterday morning when opening the shutters. We've had some snow!!!!

That's all for me here, if you've got this far in reading, I humbly thank you and hope you'll have great day!!🥰
