HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group January 20th

Hello beautiful Blenders,

Friday again and I'm looking forward to the weekend.

Do you have anything planned?

We had a young guy as Couchsurfer but he was extremely opinionated. That was a bit tiering in the communication. He insisted that we are German, that we look like Germans and that we would behave like Germans. I don't know how Germans look or behave, I'm not even born in Germany and I have two passports. I classify myself as European and I found it kind of disrespectful to push us into a nationality box. I'm a bit sensible about this topic because a single nationality doesn't reflect our living circumstances.

Anyway our current Couchsurfers are lovely. They are very young as well but they really want to learn new things, same as us and that makes the communication much more interesting and pleasant.

They will leave today so I will go back to my workouts and do a LB.

What workouts are on your agenda or is life to busy, or maybe rest day.

Wishing all that your day just sparkles ✨