Perspiration Pals 18 January 2023

Hello there, Pals! It’s like I haven’t seen you in days. I actually haven’t seen you in days and it’s entirely my fault. I haven’t been up to all sorts of interesting or mysterious things, though. What have you been up to? Found a kitten in the rain and took him/her home? Finished reading a good book? Oh, have you seen the northern lights…? Yes, one of you has. You know who you are, you lucky, lucky thing. 🙂

I’m doing Bodyweight 1 like a good girl and I have to say my shoulder manages to take a punch now (Pike push-ups, T stabilisation and other medieval torture) but I still feel it from time to time which makes me wonder why mother nature made us humans such wimps. I mean there are animals who can regrow a limb! Whereas we heal micro tears or other small injuries for months, really…

Today’s topic is exercise-related and it’s a very simple question. Side push-ups gave me the idea. I never thought I would be able to do side push-ups but I surprised myself yesterday by being able to do them. It really bothers my bony hips to the point of pain but apart from that I’m able to do what I initially thought was a rather challenging exercise. Is there anything you can do now that you never thought you’d be able to? I know this is not an ‘oh we’ve never talked about this’ topic but it’s not a bad idea to remind ourselves of the progress we make.

All right, pals, I need to go now, be good if you can, don’t eat unwashed fruit, and have an easy day.