HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group January 12th

Good morning (?) everyone.

"You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” - Marcus Aurelius

Easier said than done maybe. Some "outside events" are just plain 💩ty and to survive them... well, I think everyone here knows a thing or two about that. But still a good reminder, I think. Maybe mostly for smaller problems.

As the weather is foul here - continuous rain, gusts of wind - I'll stay inside and will try to tackle a list of household chores that need to be done. Luckily I was able to go for a walk yesterday. What do you have planned for today?

I'm on Day 11 of Center. So it has been yoga, runs, walking and some cycling for me so far this month. The yoga sometimes surprises me (chair pose, I don't do that one often but I do now! For some reason it feels harder than squats).

To be honest, I haven't been able to keep up with everyone on this thread, so I hope I don't have missed anything vital. I have read that CK wasn't doing well, so I want to send her a big pile of support 🌼 Even if that feels a bit hollow to me, as I know there isn't really something you can do to help lighten someone's load unless they're very practical problems.

I hope you will all have a day that isn't awful, and ideally even a smooth day. Posting a picture of a flower - not in season, but I thought a bright color might help lift our spirits in January.
