HKS (Healthy, kind support) January 10th

Good Tuesday morning Blendfriends!

They predict a sunny day here, but I’ll believe it when I see it. I was reading an article which mentions that the Montréal area hasn’t had a sunny day since December 23rd. And here I thought it was just me complaining about the lack of sunlight.

I was at work for almost 9 hours yesterday, trying to make my way through year-end reports. A colleague and I were talking about feeling overwhelmed with the amount of work at this time of year. But I decided not to stress and just do my best. As the quote above says, I’ll take it one task at a time and breathe. And I’m already thinking ahead to what I can do differently next year, to avoid being overloaded.

If the sun comes out today, so will I, to enjoy a walk at lunchtime. I will also move on to day 2 of the 5-Day Challenge for Busy People. Yesterday’s lower body workout felt tough, combining 4 HIIT intervals with 1 strength exercise, before moving on to two new exercises. It may have been only 30 minutes of work, but the leftover soreness I was feeling from last week’s 5-Day Strong Challenge made the workout more demanding.

What is on your calendar today? Are you working out or taking a rest day? Last week I took an extra rest day during the week and I found it beneficial. Do what is best for you, and enjoy a great day! 🙂