HKS (Healthy, kind support) January 9 ⛵

Hello Blendfriends and welcome to Monday. Getting off to a late start because I sailed⛵ right past my computer this morning, getting ready to go to the office. So this is a quick start from me, with an appropriate thought for this morning:

"Distracted from distraction by distraction." (TS Eliot)

I'm nearly done with Abs 2 and feeling strong for getting through it 💪. I've enjoyed the program even more than the first time 😊, so this is the week to let myself get distracted by all the shiny new workouts. Anything great out there that you have discovered and loved? It doesn't have to be perfect for me, if it was perfect for you it's worth mentioning. I've been enjoying Nicole's tough low-impact HIIT workouts, thinking about checking out a couple of those soon.

As for food, I've had to get creative as I pushed off groceries until tonight. Stir-fry was delicious yesterday, and my sourdough starter is fed up and ready to turn into homemade 🍕tonight. Any fun culinary projects coming up?

OK, well, wrapping this up for now, I'll stop by to see you all later in the day. Have a fabulous Monday!
