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New Meditation for Better Body Image

When you are having a day where your body image isn’t where you would like it to be, what do you do? It is my experience in clinical work that many people, if they have awareness that they are experiencing poor body image at a given time, don’t really know what to do about it other than acknowledge it. This is a great first step, and there are things you can do and ways you can talk to yourself that can help. 

Meditation for Better Body Image

This practice includes a brief body scan to increase awareness of your body alongside cognitive practices to increase awareness of the ways we talk to ourselves about our bodies and self-compassion, as well as body affirmations and gratitude for our bodies. The goal here is not necessarily to make you feel good about your body (though that would be great if it happens), but rather to increase awareness of your thoughts and feelings toward your body and practice relating to and perceiving your body in new ways. If you practice this type of meditation regularly, I would be willing to bet that you will see shifts in the way you see yourself. 

So, give this a try and let me know which parts resonate the most with you!