HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group January 3rd

Good first Tuesday of the new year!

I will be heading out early to drive to a meeting for one of my districts. This will be the first time that I meet these Store Managers in person and I am trying to remain positive and not dread all of the upcoming interactions. I thought the quote above was fitting, not just for introverts like me, but for most people when life (or someone) gets too loud and you need silence to centre yourself.

For the past 2-3 days, water pressure has been off at our apartment and it seems to have worsened last evening. David saw city aqueduct trucks mark our street when he arrived home from work yesterday, so I’m wondering if there are issues with the main lines from the city. Of course everything was closed for New Years, so on my break this morning, I will call the city to ask if there are known issues on their end. If not, then I’ll call our landlord, which is never fun, as he’s slow to respond. I was extremely stressed about the whole situation last night, but as David said, there was nothing we could do about it at 8pm, so I should let it go. At least I managed to sleep last night, even though I woke up around 3am and couldn’t fall back asleep.

I’m not sure at what time I will get home today, but if it’s too late to continue with the 5-day Strong Challenge, I will count this as my rest day. Will you be working out today and if so, what is on your calendar?

Wishing everyone a moment or two of silence in your day today.