Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Thank you for the encouragement, Kelli!

I want to thank you for the positive messages that you send and that you speak about in your videos especially within the past three or four years. You've had issues with pain and movement and I've also had some issues with a couple broken bones at different times within the past 4 years which limited my ability to do things in a big way and I have osteopenia which I found out in this process because they were like why are you breaking bones at your age and had me have bone density scans. You have always been an advocate of showing up and doing something while listening to you body (and in my case listening to my doctor's and physical therapists limitations as to what I can do vs what I want to do and having surgery and screws and plates inserted) and to be proud of what I can do. You're words have meant a lot to me. If I hadn't heard you speak about doing what you can and modifying and that it's okay to modify I might have given up thinking it's all or nothing. I am so grateful to you and your approach.