Daily check-in: Sunday, January 1st, 2023 🎉


Hey everybody welcome to 2023!

I almost made it to midnight! I was in bed but there were fireworks popping etc. seemingly right behind our house! But they didn’t last too long, now I’m up early to start the check in and go feed the grand dogs before the 0830 service at church . I see a nap in my future.

The new challenge released today. I might do it later. Before or after nap? 🤷‍♀️

New Years resolutions? Goals? Throw’em down, or out here! Or nah!

For me personally, I think I’m going to have a word or two for the year! Consistent and intentional.(they’re kind of similar?) Not just in WO’s but in all aspects of my life. Sure consistent with working out, but with drinking water, cleaning my house, keeping up with friends, and family, etc. Intentional, with a reason for why I’m doing things, eating, WO, decorating my house, getting things done, etc. I tend to be very passive and indecisive, and end up doing nothing because it’s easier than making a decision. (Which really is making a decision).

But, as always granting ourselves grace when life happens, kids, jobs, family etc. Being kind to ourselves when circumstances and life derail us!

I guess we need to talk about food? I froze some Christmas Day leftovers, may drag those out, for me.

That’s it for me FB friends. Time for chugging coffee!

Thanks for starting your year out with me.

This check in is for anybody. It’s a way to stay motivated and accountable. Feel free to drop in and chat or rant, share whatever, with us.