Daily Check-in: Wednesday, December 28th

Hey everyone and welcome to that half way point of the week.

So how are you all? ..I actually had a pretty frustrating day yesterday. There was a lot going on and going wrong, so no workout happened. I'm hoping for better today. And also to workout! Via Shelly's recommendation, I have a Tasha kettlebell workout and that sounds perfect to test drive my new kettlebells.I hope you guys get in any movement or no movement you desire.

And on that note, heads up for a 1k workout party that looks to be mostly set for Friday. All are free to join and share in on picking any 1k workout and checking one complete before years end because this is how Blenderz party. I haven't decided which one I'm doing yet, but I know I'm (mostly) looking forward to it!

And now on to food. Anything planned? Nothing in mind over here! So to be determined later on.

Now it is getting progressively warmer as the week goes on, but the cold temps also gave us a fun opportunity to make interesting things out of ice, such as this ice bowl that FT Cm clearly has claimed as his new water bowl. Short lived though as it was all gone by afternoon. Hah, I figure I they might as well have as much fun with this as possible being they've never played with anything icy other than ice cubes.

Okay, that's all for me for now. I really thank you for reading and taking the time to check in. I hope the hours ahead are kind to you.




***Note: These Daily Check-in posts are open to anyone and everyone who wishes to participate! All are welcome here! These check-ins are a way to stay motivated, accountable, and be supported as we all try to be our healthiest selves. Feel free to pop in and say 'hi' anytime, and post as much or as little as you wish! No prerequisites here! Feel free to add photos if you want as well! Whether you need advice about working out/eating well/life in general, just want to comment, or maybe need support during a hardship--we're here for you! So: Welcome to the FB Family, and to the Daily Check-ins! We appreciate you being here!***