Perspiration Pals 27 December 2022 πŸŽπŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰πŸ₯‚πŸˆ

Hello Pals! Yes, it’s me even though it’s not my turn let’s get on with the show. So first things first, happy birthday to our kind, smart and hard-working Toasty. May your life have diamond days! Did you know that since your last birthday the Earth has completed one journey around the sun traveling about 940 million kilometres?

And while we’re at it why don’t we find out more about some birthday-related facts? Did you know that in the 19th and early 20th centuries, having all your teeth removed and replaced with false ones was a popular 21st-birthday present? I mean my teeth have always been awful but getting rid of them would’ve been a bit of an overreaction…

Historians believe that the first people to celebrate birthdays were the Romans. Maybe they even gave huge parties, who knows? Maybe historians do but I can only use my fantasy and some vague memories from history lessons. Speaking of history, did you know that William Shakespeare's died on his 52nd birthday: 23 April 1616? I wonder how. Did he get drunk and organise a 17th-century Jackass reality comedy?

Anyway, let’s also talk a bit about exercise too. I started working out a little, I mostly do total or lower-body routines and this evening I’m going to do my first Brian routine. Looking forward to it. How about you? Any plans to do a completely new routine?

All right Pals, see you later, have an easy day! Especially you, sis!

PS, do I remember well that Cookie used to like playing with paper balls?