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New Free 5-Day Challenge - Day 4: Upper Body Compound Strength Sets with Brian

Good Morning,

I hope your week is starting great and you are ready to start Day 4 of the 5-Day FB Strong Challenge! 

Day 4: Upper Body Compound Strength Sets with Brian

Today's upper body strength workout will target the complete upper body using compound sets with a little twist. What's the twist? Typically compound sets are two back-to-back exercises targeting the same muscle group. But today, we have three exercises for each muscle group, and we will move through each set with minimal rest. This workout quickly became one of my favorites! 

I want you to get the most out of this workout because we only are working on each muscle group for two sets. So select a weight that will be challenging for you for 40 seconds, but also realize we will be working that same muscle on the next set. Each one of the sets is divided by muscle group. Set #1, we will target the chest only, taking a 30-second break and moving to set #2, focusing on the back, moving on to the triceps and biceps, and finishing with the shoulders. This workout is perfect if you want complete upper-body training with minimal equipment and time.

Let's grab those dumbbells and get started. Remember to push yourself; you can do anything for 40 seconds!

Finish Strong!

P.S. I felt this one a few days later.
