Gotta start somewhere

A few weeks ago I asked about getting started again after a number of years away. I wondered about plus and if it was worth it as a beginner who is quite busy.

First off, you were all so gracious and encouraging. Thank you for that! I have listened to your advice and direction and come up with a plan that I hope I can stick to and make lasting life changes.

I am going to do as much as I can handle of FB30 round 2 (something I purchased years ago) until after the first of the year and then try a 30 day subscription to plus, pursuing the challenges and low impact things.

My main goal until the end of the year is to get up every morning and workout, even if I only get the warm up/cool down done from the program. I want to build the habit of doing it. It's going to be hard, it's the Christmas season and that makes things crazy, but I think it's manageable, safe and worth it.

I'm thankful for FB and the community here that encourages and challenges, even after years away. ❤️