Where to start? Plus or no plus?

About 5 years ago I was daily connecting with Fitness Blender and feeling really good about life. Somewhere along the line I fell of the wagon, became extremely inconsistent and lost my motivation to work out. That brings me to now - a 44 year old, homeschooling mother of 5 with a part time job, 50lbs of extra weight, beginning to feel overwhelmed with depression and failure to be consistent.

I am ready to get going again, I know I must. Having never been a start slow sort of person - I stop before I really even started - I know I've got to bite the bullet, start the program and suffer through until it's a habit. But where to start?

I have the first FB30s, and the first strength programs. I thought I'd do one of those. But maybe there is a better place to begin again? I also found myself wondering about plus - would it benefit me? How so? If you have it why do you like it? How does it help you reach your goals or stay on track?

If you've read this far, thanks. If you have any answers to my questions, thanks for that too. Whatever happens, Monday morning, I'm setting an alarm and getting this party started. 💃