HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group November 17th

Good morning (?) everyone.

"Never make a permanent decision based on a temporary emotion." - Anonymous

Some sage advice (IMO) to start the day with. Though it can be hard to apply… any thoughts on this quote?

It's very autumn-y here with wind and rain and leaves getting stuck on wet windows. Not ideal weather to go for a walk, but I probably need one. 🍂🍁☔ (Picture is from last month - I'd like to sit there with a book in the sun! And preferably some red squirrels in the background.)

Have you done a workout already or are you doing one later today? Is it a rest day or do you need to be careful with exercise right now because of an injury? That's an exercise for the mind too, if you like to workout often! 💪

I have sore glutes because of the older cardio workout I did yesterday. I'll try to get in some UB work. Taking my mental health in consideration, I won't be doing a long, tough one. And hopefully yoga and a (short?) walk.

And I hope to do something fun tomorrow as I am free from appointments then. Feels like I need to nourish my soul a bit. I tried painting last week but then I get stuck on making a drawing first and I get antsy and stop after 15 minutes. Might need to make a quick drawing, then just get on with the painting and view it as a practice. I'd like to paint Tep in an expressionistic way. Not overthinking, just working with the paint. 🎨😼

Ok, I'll get on with my day now and wish you a not-too-rainy day where you will hopefully mainly feel good (or at least OK). 🌼

Reminder: you don't need to be a regular to post here - just stopping by to say what exercise you got in today is fine! If you want to elaborate, that's fine too.
