Perspiration Pals 17 November 2022

Hello Pals! After yesterday’s short lesson in etymology, we’ll concentrate on working out. I did a lower-body+kickboxing routine with Daniel so now my already sore backside is even sorer. It wasn’t the ‘good luck getting off the toilet’ routine but it might just as well have been. There’s a slight problem that I’ve kept running into ever since I started working out in the morning.

When I look at the scheduled routine I always calculate how much time I have to get everything done before launch for the nearest or furthest bus stop. I don’t actually get up at 5 a.m., I start working out at 5. The problem I have is that picking up heavier or lighter weights is not that easy. Since I don’t have PowerBlock dumbbells, it takes more than just two clicks to change my weights which means that a 42-minute routine is longer because I actually have to stop the video to adjust my weights. This didn’t really frustrate me when I worked out in the evening but now it’s slightly annoying. Only slightly, I’m not whinging because I’m lucky to have really good adjustable dumbbells.

So my question is this: Have you ever run into a problem related to equipment? (And have you ever lifted weights on a shark..?)

All right, Pals, I must go now, have an easy day and eat something delicious.