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New Mindfulness Practice for Cooking

Have you ever tried mindful eating? Maybe you sit down to have your meal and focus on the sensations involved with and experience of eating your food. That’s awesome! However, that isn’t the first step in the process of eating a meal. Before we get to the eating portion, we also have to prepare the food (even if it simply involves removing the food from a package). So, we have extra steps where we can bring mindfulness into the process. 

Mindfulness for Cooking

Food preparation can be a profound time to practice mindfulness as we often go about making our food without thinking about what we are doing, why we are doing it, or where the food even comes from. Taking some time to slow down and maintain awareness of the food preparation should make the process even more fun and rewarding.

While I don’t necessarily suggest practicing mindfulness at every step of every meal you prepare and eat, it is helpful to occasionally practice at each step. So, give this mindful food prep practice a try and let us know how it went in the comments below!