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New FB Plus Video: Intermediate Power Yoga With Twists

Find a deep rinse + release in this Intermediate-Level Power yoga practice! We will challenge our strength + balance, as we explore grounding through deep lunges; we will find lightness and water as we play with fluid transitions and deep twists, challenging our mobility and flexibility. Join me on the mat and let’s get creative with our flow! 

Intermediate Power Yoga With Twists: Free Flow for Balance and Strength 

Important Workout Note: This practice moves quickly and incorporates intermediate/advanced level postures and transitions. While I encourage all levels to give this a try, please note that I do not break down the technique, alignment, or posture names for this particular flow; I do not explicitly offer or demo a variety of modifications, however, they are always yours for the taking. 

Typically, I create my flows beginning with an intention that is resonating with me at the time, or I honor a request that is sent by our lovely FB community. I love getting on my mat and seeing what I can embody and create to share with all of you; there is a lot of thought, research + planning that goes into each practice produced. However, my personal practice is very different in terms of how I approach getting on my mat, for me, every day. My practice is a chance for me to get out of my head, and play in whatever way feels natural to me in the moment; usually there are phases of time where I am hooked on specific postures and/or transitions because I like the levels of curiosity and resistance they peak in me. 

For this particular flow, I wanted to combine the way I usually form a practice, in addition to the way I flow for myself. Rather than planning out a structured flow, I decided to root my intention on finding ground, fluidity, and play, and flow with how my body wanted to flow with my intention remaining the single point of focus; this video is exactly that: an embodied intention. 

So for this practice, I encourage you to get creative! The beginning of the practice moves rapidly, as I wanted to get our heart and breath rates up, the sweat flowing and our bodies warm; moving quickly through simple and repetitive sequences helps me to lock into presence. However, for you, maybe moving a little more slowly through the Warming and Exploration sequences is what brings you to presence; there is no right or wrong, explore your options and honor what is right for you in that moment. You do not have to flow at my pace, please flow with the pace of your own breath. 

The Peak of our sequence slows things down, as I wanted to take the time to go deeper into the postures called; the twists feel like an incredible rinse for me, however, like everything I call, they may not be for everyone. If at any point the practice feels like too much, take a modification or skip the posture altogether. If at any point you feel called to get creative and take your practice somewhere else, please go for it! There are tons of opportunities throughout this practice for you to incorporate your own flowing inversions, arm balances, child’s poses and seated stretches; you don’t need me to queue them, or anyone’s permission for that matter,  in order for you to take them. 

I hope that you find rinse and release throughout this flow, and that the poses and transitions offered inspires something in your own practice. If you happen to take different postures and/or transitions than I called, please share them down below! I love to learn from all of you! 

With love + light, 
