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New Plus Video: Quick HIIT With Extended Cool-Down

Good morning, Blender Family! 

Have you ever been surprisingly motivated by something that just totally humbled you? That’s exactly what happened when I tried Daniel’s popular workout, Challenging But Quick Total Body HIIT - Brutal At-Home HIIT Workout. His workout inspired today’s release: 

Quick HIIT With Extended Cool-Down

This workout is ideal for busy days/busy people because it can be completed in under 30-minutes. We use brief timer durations (20 seconds) to prevent your mind from wandering and cycle through six different circuits to address the whole body. I’ve included several of our favorites like bear crawls, star jumps, and burpees ‘cause they just feel oh-so-good once they’re conquered! 

You’re probably wondering why I chose this particular routine to feature an extended cool down. I designed this routine for busy people who need to release some stress, sweat, and mental loads, and it’s likely that those same people deserve a minute or two to stretch and replenish. I did include time stamps for those who wish to skip the foam roll section, but I encourage you to take the extra time and thank yourself later. 

Stay blessed and unstressed, Blenders!

- Kayla