Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Help for core strength and stability

I have really poor core strength and stability, and I'm struggling to improve it. I've tried FB Abs and it was waaaaaayyyyy too advanced for me. I can make it through a level 5 lower body strength training workout, but by the fourth exercise in a level 2 pilates routine I am shaking and aching (eg this one: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/beginner-pilates-for-foundational-strength-and-stability).

Between a swayback and extremely tight hip flexors (thanks, karate!), my pelvis tilts backwards in most core exercises no matter how much I try to stop it doing so. If I try to do any bird dogs, Pilates reverse leg lifts, fire hydrants, etc., then my leg doesn't even get to a 45-degree angle before my lower back collapses.

I find Pilates exercises done on the back to be the best for abdominal strength for me, because there's the tactile feedback of pressing my lower back into the mat, but so many of the Pilates workouts have things like bird dogs and reverse leg lifts as well, and I just can't do those and maintain any stability in the core.

I can do a Pilates roll up, so I'm not completely devoid of abdominal strength, I just seem to be severely lacking in pelvic stability; anti-extension exercises are difficult to get the form right on, and flexion exercises leave my abs exhausted quickly.

Are there any workouts people can suggest for building pelvic stability and abdominal strength (specifically in the TA, I think that's my weak point), or modifications to exercises like bird dogs and reverse leg lifts to help maintain stability? Thanks!