“65… and I am doing this!!” Goal achieved?

In 2019 I had set myself a goal. My post in the FB community said at that time:

“As I had to get off twice to walk two really steep bits, I decided: right, that will be my goal for 2020.... I want to be able to cycle up that monster without having to get off and walk!!!” That monster being a 1k+ slope with some very steeps bits in it (22% grade and even a bit 35% grade….). In other words some blinking STEEP bits!

Of course, Covid happened and that goal never materialised. But today on my new bike I was determined to have a go at it or as my husband said: “you were SO going to do it!”

Well, did I achieve my goal? I got off twice to catch my breath and walked less than 5 metres. So, I guess I didn’t quite make it. However, my husband insisted I did, as circumstances were so different from when I set myself that goal. Today we had very blustery wind against whilst cycling up and we hadn’t cycled straight to the bottom of this slope, we took a 10k detour with some short steep inclines on it before we even started on this slope. So I have decided it’s certainly a milestone… I did so much better than three years ago!

So I think at the “ripe old age” of 65, this counts as a milestone to be celebrated!!



Photo shows my bike at the top, what a view, right?
