HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group August 29th 🌇🦗

Hello everyone and welcome to our kind, supportive check-in thread. I hope this Monday finds you well. And for those who are dealing with tough times or difficult feelings, I thought I'd share a quote that Kandice posted here a while ago:

"When we give ourselves compassion, the tight knot of negative self-judgment starts to dissolve, replaced by a feeling of peaceful, connected acceptance – a sparkling diamond that emerges from the coal." (Kristin Neff)

I hope you can all find that peaceful feeling today.

As for me, I'm up a bit early this morning, enjoying a bit of cool air before the heat settles in this afternoon. I must admit, I have spent much of July and August waiting for the blissful late-summer cool to settle in. Looks like I get to wait a couple more days 🤔 In the meantime, I'll be going in to the air-conditioned office, which will surely be a relief. It seems like a bit of a waste, all these cooled and heated offices not used even to quarter capacity, but I suppose we'll get it sorted, in time. For now, I'll just listen to the crickets and feel the humid but cool breeze through my window.

I'm scheduled for a rest day today, and I think I'll go ahead and take it, even though I snuck one in there on Saturday after my jab. Nothing wrong with a little extra rest. This said, I know a lot of people work out more on weekdays, so I'm curious. What kind of a workout schedule do you keep? Are weekdays your thing, or do you fit in your workouts more easily on the weekends? Has that changed with telework? Or do you mix it up anyway?

Well, I'm off to breakfast. Cold breakfast, I think, and cold supper tonight. It will be hot enough as it is! Have a great Monday, everyone!
