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New Article on Coping With Negative News

These days, it seems like I wake up every morning and see and/or read the latest news - and it’s rarely positive. This constant barrage of negativity really takes its toll and adds stress on top of what is sometimes an already stressful life. At the same time, I feel like when I completely abstain from taking in news media, I feel like I am disconnected from what is going on in the world and not engaging as a responsible citizen.

So, how do we walk that fine line of informed, but not overwhelmed?

This article offers 7 distinct tips for things you can do to help manage this influx of negative news. Many of these are research backed, but a few are things that have helped from personal experiences with folks in a therapy setting. I encourage you to try out all of them, but keep in mind that some will resonate with your personal experiences more than others. 

I am so excited to hear about the many ways that you all cope with negativity in the news!