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New Article on How to Form Healthy Habits

After part 1 of the habits series, you were probably left thinking “okay, Haley, so what do I do with this information?” You may be looking to make physical activity a regular part of your daily/weekly routine, drink more water each day, or stop doing some existing habit that is blocking one of your wellness goals. If so (or if you have any other goal that habits can be a part of), that’s what this article on habits is all about!

Read: How to Form Healthy Habits: Reach Your Wellness Goals With These Practical Tips

While I hope that we can all now agree that habits are beneficial for forming and maintaining wellness behaviors, it isn’t so easy to make habits. It can feel even more difficult to reverse or break habits that are hindering these wellness goals. So, this article will go through a step-by-step guide of how to form habits, discuss how to effectively break habits, and then give specific tips that can help you on the way. 

Let us know what habits you’re trying to form/change!