Hip flexors....

Hello all

So, I was reading an article and it talked about front and back scales and all the benefits they offer.

I gave these a try and found that in the front version I can lift my leg, toe pointed, leg straight, almost to hip level and pause there. But I notice a tightness in the top upper thigh. There is no tightness in the back of my leg. The article says the top thigh tightness means my hip flexors need mobility work. Both legs are pretty equal.

That would seem to make sense to me, I remember being told I had tight hips in a yoga class and I confess I don't pay special attention to them, I am usually more worried about my tweaky knees!!

But, I must say when I am following an FB cool down the 'typical' hip flexor stretch that is shown I do not feel any engagement at all. Nothing happens.

I do butterfly stretch, I can not do pigeon pose (knees) just wondered has anyone else come across the scales movement and does anyone have any hip flexor mobility suggestions?

Hope this post makes sense!!