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New 15 Minute Mindfulness Meditation to Enhance Motivation

Hello FB family! Motivation is such an interesting concept, isn’t it? We all go through periods where it is high and other periods where it is low. In my experience, I don’t even think about my motivation levels unless it is in one of these extremes. However, the arguably more impactful situation is when my motivation is low; whether I had and lost my motivation or never had it to begin with, it can be a distressing situation. 

Mindfulness Meditation to Enhance Motivation

So, my write-up for today's meditation describes some of the reasons that we tend to be de- or amotivated and offer some potential solutions or tips for helping out with motivation levels when they are low. The accompanying mindfulness meditation will guide you through a mindful state where you can examine and ultimately contribute to a boost in your levels of motivation both in the short- and long-term. 

What things tend to help you get and stay motivated? I would love to hear your tips!!