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New Bedtime Stress Reduction: Guided Meditation for Better Sleep

Hello FB family!

We ALL have bad days. It is sort of part of the universal human experience. Though our experience of these types of days varies widely, we all need tools to be able to turn to when we are having those bad days — which is why I am so excited about this guided medtation! 

Bedtime Stress Reduction: Guided Meditation for Better Sleep

I personally tend to really struggle with seeing anything BUT the negative on these days and the negativity will replay in my mind over and over again when it is time to go to bed. I need external reminders to just sit with and accept the emotions and to also search for the good in the day to round out that day’s narrative. In most circumstances, if I search hard enough I can find one good thing in the day and that helps take the edge off a little bit. At the same time, I also need to sit in the “ick” without fighting it before I can get to sleep.

So, this guided meditation is intended to do just that; it will guide you to stay in the present moment experience through getting in touch with your body, help you honor your emotions for what they are, provide affirmations for letting go of a bad day, and ideally prepare you for a physical state of relaxation. 

I’m curious to know both how bad days impact you and your sleep and what you do to manage this?