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New Guided Meditation to Improve Concentration

This guided practice is really for anyone. It might be particularly helpful for those who struggle with concentration and focus throughout their days, but who among us doesn’t want to improve our concentration? If you are a whiz at it and don’t want to improve, tell us your secrets in the comments below!

Listen Now: Meditation to Improve Concentration: Practice Focusing and Redirecting Your Attention

Meditation is particularly helpful in improving our concentration because it strengthens each of the individual skills involved in the process: focusing, monitoring how well we are focusing, and redirecting attention. So, in actuality, any mindfulness practice will strengthen these skills for you. 

However, this guided practice is intended to teach you about two different ways to practice meditation that have been shown to increase our concentration abilities both directly and indirectly (focused attention and open monitoring meditation). So, I encourage you to practice regularly (add it into your weekly routine) to get the long-term benefits of the practice, and also use it as a refocusing tool when you are acutely struggling to concentrate.