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New 15 Minute Guided Practice for Self-Compassion

By now, you all likely know that we are big fans of self-compassion here at Fitness Blender. We can’t really control the bad things that happen to us; they are an inevitable component of life, unfortunately. However, we do have the ability to reduce the impact they have on our well-being by being intentional about how we speak to and treat ourselves after bad things happen. Self-compassion allows us to receive kindness (yes, from ourselves) and prevent these things from hijacking our lives.

Meditation for Self-Compassion

Self-compassion is just like any other skill we learn from Fitness Blender. If you are looking to get pushups, you have to do more pushups (and progressions to get you there). With self-compassion, it isn’t often something we can just do on our first try. So, give this a try and if you struggle the first time, give it another go and I know it will get easier with every practice. 

So, in today’s 15 minute guided practice, we will choose a real life scenario from our past where we needed that kind voice in order to visualize and practice self-compassion. I encourage you to engage in this practice when you are feeling down on yourself and when you feel that you need the kind words of a friend. I encourage you to find that friend within yourself!