Stopped by a commercial gym today...

Hello FB family 👋

I recently moved to a new city and did some exploring in my neighbourhood today. I stopped by a major fitness chain here just to see what kind of classes/equipment they had to offer because I was curious.

I was never really a "gym person" even before I worked out with Fitness Blender, so I didn't really understand the gym mentality Kelli and Daniel sometimes mentioned. Wow, what a shock! I walked in the door and a staff person was immediately taking down my personal information, asking detailed questions about my health concerns and asking which membership I would like to choose! I opted out of answering most questions, but holy smokes was I ever surprised how pushy it was!

The whole place felt like a dance club with neon lights and fancy decor - I had to stop myself from giggling because it seemed like such a show!

I am an FB Plus member and pay in one YEAR less than this gym costs per MONTH. And of course the quality of information, training and support I receive with Fitness Blender is second to none.

I suppose what I'm trying to say with this post is:

1.) If you know anyone who is on the fence about FB Plus or any of the individual programs, remind them how absolutely worth it it is

2.) Please forgive me, FB fam, for looking at a commercial gym, LOL 😂