Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Week 23 goal evaluation

My bouldering goals did not go well last week. I climb on tuesday and sunday but had other plans this sunday and tuesday went.. crappy. But, I climbed and did not yell at myself for not sending anything.

I did start my pull up routine and that went pretty well. I can do assisted pull ups with 2 bands.. Next step is 1 band.

Food wise I had a good week as well. I am incorporating lots of veggies / salads into my breakfasts and lunches. (Picture: some of my meals this week)

I am rereading Atomic Habits by James Clear. There is quite a big overlap with the NLP (neuro linguistic programming) training I am following. I am building towards the identity of a healthy person: working out regularly, eating healthy, taking the stairs instead of the escalator, going to bed on time, etcetera..

I am bouldering twice this week and so I will again work on my grade 5 and 6 boulder problems.

Fill ½ of my plate with veggies for 2 out of 3 meals of the day.

Do 5 decent assisted pull ups with 2 bands in a row
