Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Month of May: goal ACHIEVED!!! Happy me indeed.

Although I didn’t actually tell anyone, I had set myself a goal this month:

10.000 steps or more every day of this month.

On my volunteering days (2 or 3 days a week of nature conservation) I usually manage to get that number. But on rest days, I don’t get that many at all. This month I made sure I did leisurely walks on my rest days. And…

I achieved my goal. And actually well over as photo shows.

An average of 16.425 steps a day

Nearly half a million steps in total, 492,735

And last day of the month, i.e. today, was also the highest number of steps: 32.284……

My son just suggested I do another 8000 steps today, so I get that half a million steps … eh, no thank you! Nothingness tonight, but who knows what next month brings?!?!

Photo in reply shows my steps today.