HKS (Healthy, Kind, Support) Accountability Group May 6th

Hi Everyone!

We're here again at Friday. What does your Friday look like?

This morning I did a core workout and then a yoga video. I have 3 left for the 33 day challenge. I am looking forward to going back to some more intense exercising but still including some gentle yoga in the evenings.

Last night I actually made a fitness schedule that will last until mid-September. I included 3 days a week of running and some weeks are free-style but I think I also included the 4 week Blend program and Adventure since those two I have only done once. I am happy to get that all planned.

The weather is looking fantastic and seems like summer is coming in hot next week with temperatures in the high 20's. I am so ready for summer.

I hope everyone has a great end to their week and a super start to the weekend. Feel free to share or just read. We are all welcome!