HKS (Healthy, Kind, Support) Accountability Group April 29th

It's Friday! The last one of April and the second last day of the month,

New months mean fresh starts for me. I don't know why I am so tied to the calendar in that sense, but perhaps I like it because it is a very fixed deadline. My current plan ends at the end of next week so I haven't planned what is in store for the rest of the month.

I have to apologize ahead of time since we are going away this weekend to celebrate our first anniversary which was yesterday. I don't think I will have time to get back to everyone since the posts come pretty late for me and tonight we are going for a very special dinner which we have planned for almost a year. I can't wait!

I am still chugging along with yoga everyday, and I had a great run yesterday morning. I was really proud how I pushed myself to the end even though there were short cuts to end it sooner. This morning was just some yoga but I will be active all weekend as we have a vineyard bike tour planned and a also a day in Strasbourg so a lot of walking.

How are you finishing your week? Fun, rest, fitness? Maybe all 3..I think it is possible.

I wish everyone a great end to the week and I will try to check back tomorrow. Remember you are all welcome to share or just lurk. Everyone is welcome.