Perspiration Pals 28 April 2022

Hello there Pals! April is practically over and I wouldn’t mind a bit more sunshine. You know, not too hot not too cold… Anyway, I needed to make granola yesterday and since the realisation hit me at around 9 p.m. so I couldn’t read all your replies… Excuses, all these excuses.

So let me compensate you by asking you a question about a fun fact. (source: 1500 Fascinating Facts by Danielle Yarbrough) The human hearing range is from 20 to 20,000 Hz. If it was any lower than 20 we'd be able to hear ………… move. (fill in the gap) I’ll give you a clue. We’d be able to hear how effective those bicep curls are, for example.

I’m not as sore as I thought I’d be after Day 1 of the Flex Program but I’m going to work out with Daniel today so it might change. Not that being sore would be an indicator of how efficiently I’ve worked out.

What shall we celebrate today? I have absolutely no idea what to suggest so it’s up to you, Pals. No pressure. And as usual, have an easy day.

PS, I don't know why I can't attach pictures... but I'll refuse to be mad about it.
