Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Week 16 goal evaluation- enjoying the journey

Last tuesday I projected on a boulder problem and just could not top it. It was the last day, so I kept going and going. I think I failed at least 10 attempts and then I had to quit because I had a flapper (a blister under the calluses that opens up, feels as painful as it sounds). The awesome part about all of this: I had such a great time. I was frustrated at first, but later I just really enjoyed my climbing session. Plus: I really stuck with it and gave it all..

Yesterday's climb was a bit wobbly and I was anxious, but that’s my cycle playing with my head..

I made a training schedule (and 2 custom routines) for myself this week. I am going to train for pull ups. My goal is to be able to do an unassisted pull up by this summer, preferably more in a row off course, but we’ll see how far I’ll get. The schedule is: monday: rest day, tuesday: bouldering followed by pull up prep training, wednesday: lower body: thursday: FB warmup, pull up prep training and FB cooldown, friday: core / cardio, saturday: rest day, sunday: bouldering.

Food wise I am doing pretty good. It is like a switch has been flicked. I am not doing any diet, following a mealplan or whatever. I am just really enjoying all the clean stuff. Makes me feel really good.

Hope you are all having a great week!
