HKS (Healthy, Kind, Support) Accountability Group April 20th

Good Morning fellow Blenders!

How are you this Wednesday morning? Iā€˜ve been travelling to my home town to spend some days with family and friends, and only arrived back home yesterday evening. So I still feel a bit tired, but the sun is shining as I can see from my window right now, and Iā€˜m looking forward to what this day brings.

ā€žWith the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.ā€œ - Eleanor Roosevelt

In Corona times I developed the habit of doing extra tough workouts during my holidays (1hr/day workouts, challenges and programs), as I couldnā€˜t travel and would stay home. Plus itā€˜s hard to do them when working, as I would soon start to feel tired instead of energized.

Since Iā€˜m off work the next days, I chose to do Fitness Blender's Free 5-Day Strong and Lean Challenge. It looks tough, but Iā€˜m looking forward to it, to challenging myself. The weather looks promising enough to also do one or two hikes. Iā€˜m a big fan of active holidays, like paddling or hiking, even if it means walking 7 days in the rain with a heavy backpack and coming back with over 150 mosquito bites (yes I counted them!) :) So when not travelling, I try to do whatā€˜s possible in my area.

Whatā€˜s your workout planned for today? Or is it a rest day for you? Whatā€˜s on the menu? I donā€˜t know yet, I first have to go to the supermarket to fill my fridge and hope to get inspired there. Whatever your day looks like, I hope itā€˜s a great one!

PS: In the comments Iā€˜ll attach a photo of what my veggie box at work looked like a few days ago when I re-opened it. No joke, no arrangement, this is what I looked at the moment the lid went off. I love these little things in life :)
